We will be organizing the XXI Giambiagi Winter School during July.
The title is “Quantum simulations and quantum metrology with cold trapped ions”
Lear all about it here.
The School will consist of eight introductory courses (tutorials) of between three and four classes, plus several contributed talks and poster session. The courses will be taught by Invited Professors, who are scientific personalities of the highest international level. The meeting is aimed at doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as advanced students of the Licenciatura degree (MSc) in Physics.
The present edition will focus on recent advances in areas of physics which has been one of the most active ones in the last two decades: Quantum information and quantum metrology. Apart from covering advanced topics on quantum information and quantum simulations, the school will focus on one of the most promising technologies that enables the manipulation and control of individual quantum systems: the trapping, cooling and control of trapped ions.